Can GitHub Copilot Replace Automation Testers?

With the explosion of AI in just about every sector of the technology industry, many mobile SDETs are asking themselves if test automation tools like GitHub Copilot will eventually put them out of a job in the future. It’s a fair question to ask given the big moves tech companies are making to incorporate AI into their processes more and more. However, it would seem that GitHub is banking big on their AI test automation tool Copilot, so the real question is “Should automation testers be worried?”

Top 10 Electronics and Products to Start the Semester Off Right

The beginning of the semester has begun for many colleges and universities, and that means getting the right tools to help you navigate your classes and late nights studying. In the digital age, these great products will help to make college life a little bit easier and on the cutting edge:

The absolute necessity of any student looking to keep track of class schedules, projects, and surfing the Internet, laptops are mobile enough to take to class, the library, or under a tree in the quad. Check

How Cortana Can Simplify Your Windows 10 Experience

What all can Cortana do to enrich your daily activities?

If you are already a Windows 10 user, you have probably dabbled with issuing Cortana, Windows 10’s virtual personal assistant program, commands such as getting a weather report or opening an application. She is fully integrated into all aspects of Windows 10, and will soon be integrated with many Internet of Things devices to control things in your home and around the office with only your voice.

Quick Guide to Microsoft Office 365 Applications

Wondering what each of the Office 365 applications are and what they do? We’ve got you covered.

Microsoft Office 365 applications are powerful tools to help you accomplish your tasks at home, work, or school, but are you not quite sure how to use some of them? Don’t worry—you’re not alone. Everyone knows the original band members—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook—but some of you may not be so familiar with the other Office 365 applications available such as Sway or Visio.

New Surface Laptop Unveiled by Microsoft, and It’s Impressive

The new Surface laptop from Microsoft boasts power, energy efficiency, and elegant design.

Microsoft is making waves this week by introducing the world to the new Surface Laptop, and it is quite a machine. Ever since the first Surface debuted in 2012, the Surface line of products has been met with success due to its innovative design and integration of touchscreen technology and optional keyboard/trackpad combo.

Is Cart Abandonment Cutting into Your Business? | BusinessTechPro

Is Cart Abandonment Cutting into Your Business?

Domestically and internationally, cart abandonment affects as much as 75% of shopping carts for thousands of e-commerce websites before checkout—but why?

Let’s face it: abandoned carts are a persistent problem that seems to be getting worse over time. Baymard Institute has been keeping track of average cart abandonment rates among many large companies, and the results are quite staggering.

10 Things E-Commerce Site Can Learn from Webby Award Design | BusinessTechPro

The 21st Annual Webby Awards are approaching, so what makes a winning e-commerce site?

The Webby Awards recognize the achievements of organizations or individuals who integrate excellent design and functionality into their websites. Since today is the final deadline for the 21st Annual Webby Awards in 2017, it can be quite educational to see what has been deemed as success in 2016. Creating a dynamic e-commerce web page that sets out to attract attention and persuade visitors is ideal to engage
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich on Pexels

10 Ways to Sell Boring Products in eCommerce | BusinessTechPro

Think there is nothing exciting about your ‘boring products?’ Think again, and out of the box.

Do you feel that your inventory is full of boring products that are hard to sell? It’s a fact of life in the world of eCommerce that some things (cars, gadgets, entertainment electronics, etc.) have much more appeal in of themselves than others (spare parts, tools, office supplies, etc.).

E-commerce Business: An Income Solution for Busy Moms | BusinessTechPro

If you are a busy mom that has your hands full caring for young humans, it can be easy to dismiss seeking out another job besides being a mom. Owning your own business can definitely feel like a stretch, especially for mealtime, snack time, play time, nap time, and finally, bedtime. Fortunately, establishing an e-commerce business online can bridge your professional and parental roles with much less friction than you think.

How Women Drive Your Online Shopping Traffic | BusinessTechPro

Women are the predominant group of consumers engaging in online shopping in addition to consuming social media, making them a very lucrative target audience.

Online shopping has increased exponentially in the past few years due in large part to the ease of use and wide availability of products that no longer require a brick-and-mortar location to sell items. Per the US Census Bureau, e-commerce sales accounted for over $101 billion by the end of Q3 of 2016.

Building a Sales Funnel: Convert Leads to Customers | BusinessTechPro

Sales funnels can be your best friend when trying to capture leads, and constructing them well will bring you customers—and keep them.

Chances are, you’ve heard the term “sales funnel,” and some of you may have even built one; however, what makes a good sales funnel so successful? Does it send out a million emails to everyone and their mothers, hoping something will stick? The truthful answer: hardly.

Choosing Effective Keywords for SEO: First Steps | BusinessTechPro

Choosing the right keywords for your industry is more of an art mixed with analytical data.

Keywords—you hear it all the time from marketers, SEO experts, and now even us at Business Tech Pro, but what is it about finding the best keywords for website search results? For some just starting out, or perhaps those who have been in the game for a while and have received poor advice, choosing the right keywords for your website can seem like a no-brainer. However, then the analytics come, and you ar

The New Surface Pen Enhances the Office 365 Experience

With the announcement of the new Surface Pro and Surface Pen, Office 365 is getting a new stylus and inking capabilities.

Microsoft is having quite the year so far, announcing many new Surface products with the new Surface Pen being chief among them. The new Surface Laptop was featured at the Microsoft Build 2017 conference, and the new Surface Pro tablet/laptop hybrid with the much-improved Surface Pen came during a reveal at a Shanghai Keynote conference.

Message in a Funnel: How to Optimize Your Sales Funnel with SMS Messaging | BusinessTechPro

Giving your customers the ability to utilize SMS messaging can give you a better means of engaging with them as well as increasing sales.

Short Message Service (or SMS messaging), better known as text messaging, has come to dominate communications around the world in only a few short years. The reason for this occurrence lies in its simplicity and utility for just about any situation.

Excel 2016: 10 Useful Things For Beginners to Know

These are ten sections of Excel 2016 you should know when making a spreadsheet, whether you are keeping track of finances or creating detailed data charts.

As part of Microsoft’s four core applications, Excel 2016 is an effective tool for keeping complex information in order and for making intensive calculations. The newest iteration of the program has added some new features and moved classic ones, so it is important to know your way around Excel to be as productive as possible.
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